And Now Johnny's Sick Too
Aww ... poor sick Johnny
Nose running like a faucet
Sick brothers looking happy for a minute
Sammy practicing sitting up
Sams feeling MUCH better
Nose running like a faucet
Sick brothers looking happy for a minute
Sammy practicing sitting up
Sams feeling MUCH better
Now that Johnny has come down with the same RSV illness that Sammy has, it is clear that Johnny had this particular one before. When Johnny first started school in January last year, he immediately came down with a horrible illness that gave him an awful emphesema sounding trumpet-like cough that racked his whole body and made a rather alarming choking gasp for air at the end of each coughing fit. Well, that's what he has again. Johnny came down with it the day before Thanksgiving, so the three of us stayed home from the family Thanksgiving celebration so we wouldn't infect everyone else's kids. Today Johnny is the worst he's been, and I'm hoping he'll start to feel better tomorrow. He woke up in a fit of coughing and gagging at 1 a.m. this morning and ended up sobbing "Mama I don't feel good." Poor honey. We had a record amount of mucous flying around the house today as Johnny's nose was like a faucet and every time he sneezed it was like the germs were trying to repel out of his nose. Is there such a thing as projectile sneezing? We went through a ton of kleenex and hand sanitizer. The cough is supposed to last up to 3 weeks. Last time Johnny had this he was sick for a solid month and I took him to the pediatrician more than once to make sure he didn't have pneumonia (in addition to calling them regularly). One of these days we will regain our health. I'm thinking about living in semi-seclusion for awhile ... no friends over, no play groups, no going to the mall or other crowded places with Sammy ... at least until we can stay healthy for a little while. I'd hate to miss Christmas Day with the family because we're all sick next month. Maybe we'll live in a bubble until then.