Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Star Wars Halloween

Sammy as R2D2 in his homemade costumeJohnny as Darth Vader at school
On our way out to go trick-or-treating
To my dear friends and family who are viewing this blog to see how our boys are doing ... I thought you might enjoy a couple of photos of their Halloween costumes. Johnny decided he wanted to be Darth Vader, complete with a light saber with sound effects and a breathing machine that makes that famous Darth Vader sound. I couldn't find any costumes for Sammy and ended up going to the fabric store on Halloween after dropping Johnny off at school and making Sammy's costume with no pattern or ever having done anything like it. I am pretty proud of it and think it came out really well for a absolute last minute job. Unfortunately, there must not have been a lot of Star Wars fans where we went trick-or-treating as no one seemed to be able to figure out who Sammy was, even after I said he was R2D2. Oh well, even if no one else liked it, I think it's cute.


Blogger Teri M. said...

Whoa! You artsy girl, you. You did a great job. :)

11:58 AM  
Blogger Andrea Frazer said...

How could people not know that was the world's favorite little Star Wars robot? If you had come to my house, we would have screamed "R2D2 Where are you? Oh, right here!"

9:50 AM  
Blogger Mandy Klevenski said...

Aww, thanks Teri! It was fun, although a little late minute! ;)

Mama P - I was surprised there was anyone alive who didn't know the Star Wars characters. LOL. One old man kept calling him Johnny's little sister in her cute dress. Groan! ;)

11:54 AM  

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