Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The Contents of My Purse Meme

Okay Teri ... here is my response to your tagging me to do the purse contents meme. First, I'll apologize for taking so long, the boys and I have been sick with the flu. Second, I'll apologize for the rushed nature of my post, but the house looks like it was shaken up like a snow globe and now that I'm feeling human again, I can only take a few minutes away from trying to clean up the wreckage.

Here goes:

  1. Ivory metallic purse - very different from my typical black leather "hooker" purses (you know, the really small ones?). At least it still has studs and chains. ;)
  2. Ivory metallic wallet, full of receipts - no photos (gasp!). I carry the kids around instead ;)
  3. Sony Ericsson cellphone with camera - hubby wants to upgrade again
  4. Carmex Lip Balm - the one thing I can't do without, but I'm not crazy about the brand
  5. Lipstick - Maybelline Plum Wine
  6. Lipliner - Covergirl Raisin
  7. Glittery lipgloss - for special occasions, so yeah, I don't wear it very often
  8. Pressed powder - Clinique Matte Neutral
  9. Contact lens case
  10. Pen from Vantus Energy (now defunct company, but great pen!)
  11. Stamps - occasionally
  12. Antibacterial Wetwipes - with two kids and crappy immune systems, I can't do without these
  13. Papertowels - I never know what I'll need to wipe up with kiddos
  14. Chewing gum (not pictured, but typically in one of the rather maternal looking pockets)
I always carry my keys in my pocket, creating a rather unattractive bulge, but if someone swipes my purse, at least I'll have a way to get home.

So, this concludes the contents of my purse. Now for some real giggles we could talk about the contents of the diaper bag! Just kidding. In a pinch, this purse does double duty as diaper bag and I attempt to shove in a diaper, a few wipes in a ziplock, a disposable bib, bag of crackers, plastic fork/spoon etc. Tre chic!

Thanks Teri for including me in on one of the little reindeer games. ;) Love ya!


Blogger Teri M. said...

Oh, stop apologizing - we all do what we can when we can. Ain't no judgin' here, my pretty. (hope you're feeling better)
"hooker purse" funny girl! And I love Carmex, but the solid kind.
Hee! Thanks - you did a great job.

5:24 PM  
Blogger Andrea Frazer said...

What I want to know is the before hand shot - the frantic cleaning of the table. The hiding of book "How to Be a Sexy Christian". The quick stashing away of the super sized Burger King receipt. Maybe that's just my purse.

11:41 PM  
Blogger Mandy Klevenski said...

Teri - Thanks! I am feeling normal again ... woohoo! I think I might have gotten that term from my sister's husband - presumably because all they can hold is some lipstick and some unmentionables. I used to pack light. ;)

Mama P - You mean like all the gum wrappers, crumpled grocery lists, two extra tubes of lipstick I don't wear because I don't like the color but keep in there since there's no room in my makeup that's bag full of stuff I don't use either, half a dozen sticks of eyeliner I don't wear and the emergency feminine stuff? Oh yeah, I left that out. I figured if anyone really believed that was the entire contents of my purse then I must be really organized and neat. I thought it was worth a shot. Busted! LOL!!! Thanks for keeping me honest. :)

12:14 PM  

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