Thursday, September 20, 2007

What a Week!

This week has been a challenge, that's for sure. We're all still sick in varying degrees, although Johnny's well enough to be in school. Keith finally got sick and stayed home from work Monday and Tuesday, which turned out to be lucky for me. Monday, I was exhausted and just as I was about to put Sammy down for his nap, and take a nap myself, the school nurse called me. Johnny was stung right along the lower lash line by a wasp on the playground. So I hop in my car and my car won't start ... good thing Keith was home sick! I borrowed Keith's car to bring Johnny home from school. By the time I got to the school (less than 10 minutes after I had been called) Johnny's eye had swollen up and it looked like someone had popped him in the eye. Poor kiddo had to miss another day of school. Sigh. So, no nap for me.

Tuesday, Keith was home sick again ... I felt like the walking dead and was dying to get a nap but I had to run Sammy over to his morning appointment after walking Johnny to school. It's a tight schedule in the morning and I was dismayed to discover that my car battery was now completely dead, even though it started just fine last night when I wanted to show Keith what was wrong with it. Figures. So I scrambled to get the car seat in Keith's car (who thankfully is home so I can take his car). My morning was spent buying and installing a car battery myself and returning the old one. I was completely looking forward to a nap and just as I was about to put Sammy down at noon I had to run a dirty diaper outside to the trash. I pulled the trashcan and uncovered a rather large snake who had been hiding in the shade. He quickly slithered into a crack in our siding and disappeared into the wall of our house by our chimney. Lovely. I don't know Texas snakes well so by my description Keith and I thought it was a Copperhead, which is very poisonous. Needless to say, I didn't get a nap but instead was out there in the blazing sun trying to deal with the snake. In talking with several exterminators, because of its large size, I think it is a rat snake which means it's not poisonous. I still don't want it lurking about our yard with two little kids (especially since I've showed Sammy snakes I've found in our front yard and taken him to the pet store to pet snakes). On the off chance the snake is somehow still in the wall (since I tried to plug up his exit holes) I'm going to go out and try to wrangle him or something today.

Tomorrow is picture day for Johnny, so as long as the swelling and redness are gone, he'll be getting his photo taken. This means he needs a haircut tonight. Since Sammy's hair is so ridiculously long, I cut it this afternoon. Two year olds don't sit still as well as 5 year olds, but we got the job done. LOL!


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