Saturday, September 29, 2007

Fort Bend County Fair

We finally made it to the local county fair this year along with two of my friends who have two boys each. I loved seeing the animals when I frequented fairs in my youth, but these boys clearly preferred the carnival rides. It was an unbelievably hot day and the boys seemed to take turns melting down, which took some of the fun out of the day for a little while, but overall it was a great fun-filled day and I would love to go again ... although cooler weather would make a world of difference. We stayed from 10:30 to 5pm and I would have bet money that all four boys in our car would have slept all the way home, but instead they were totally wound up and ridiculously goofy, making noise just for the sake of noise. Boys. LOL. We ran into 3 or 4 people we knew at the fair, one of whom is Johnny's teacher (her son is in one of the photos above). Sammy's favorite rides were the huge slide and riding in the little cars. Johnny's favorites were the fast roller coaster (not photographed since I was on it), the big climbing structure with slides, the carousel and the flying kite ride. The clowns scared all the little kids except Christopher and frankly the carnies were giving me the willies big time. It was a great day and we'll do it again for sure.


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