Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Smiling, Standing and Sand

I faked Johnny out to get this photo

Johnny finally agreed to let me take his picture

Hiding from the camera

Sammy's first time in the sandbox

He likes it!

Fatty and Skinny

Sammy is very eager to take his first unassisted steps

Johnny is going through a frustrating phase of never wanting his picture to be taken. I explain how important photos are to me and he just hides his face and runs away. After getting a whole bunch of photos of the back of his head from him turning and running away, I finally pretended that the camera was slower than it was. I would get his picture and then when he ran away I would frustratedly exclaim "Oh, I missed it again ... you're too fast Johnny ... I can't get your picture!" I got several good photos this way. I guess sometimes you have to outsmart your kids to accomplish your goals.

I filled the sandbox with brand new sand after the neighbor cat wrecked the last batch when the lid was left off one night. I put Sammy in the freshly scrubbed out sandbox and he had a great time! Surprisingly, he didn't try to eat the sand. Sammy chewed on the toys and ended up getting some sand in his mouth, but it was minimal. Roughage I say. ;)

The neighbor mentioned that Johnny looked like he had lost weight, and I had also noticed at the pediatrician last week that he was noticeably taller than he was several months ago. I measured his height and it appears that he grew 3 inches in the last 4 - 5 months. No wonder he looks skinnier ... he stretched! I think Johnny is having some growing pains as he complains of leg pain, often after he has been sleeping. My friend's pediatrician said that is the most common time for growing pains as growth typically happens while kids sleep. Sammy's not slacking off in the weight department and was 22 lbs. 4 oz. at the doctor's last week. He's not even 9 months old yet!

Sammy is getting closer to walking on his own. He cruises all over the house holding onto chairs, walls, toys, boxes or whatever else is around to grab onto. Sammy has made many attempts to let go, but invariably topples over. Today, I was pretty impressed as he was holding onto the leg of his high chair with one hand out to the side and he took about 5 steps toward me while moving the chair along side him. What was different about this time was that he wasn't leaning his weight onto the chair while pushing it in front of himself, but his arm was straight out to the side just using the chair for a little balance. I think he decided to go for it and let go of the chair leg at which point he toppled over immediately and fell down. Sammy is such a good sport, he never cries when he falls down unless he falls hard enough to end up with a bruise. I think he's going to be a tough little kid.


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