Monday, October 31, 2005


Here are the official Halloween photos. A big storm came through right before it was time to go trick or treating, so the ground was completely wet. I had to add the slippers to Johnny's costume (which have rubber soles) so he wouldn't be walking on the wet sidewalks in sock feet. Sammy tolerated his bunny suit for a lot longer than I expected and got lots of ooo's and awww's from the neighbors.

The bad news is Johnny threw up right when we were preparing to leave and go trick or treating. It would appear that he finally caught the flu that Sammy and I have been battling all week. My friend Rachel said that having a sick baby drastically changes your life ... after this last weekend I discovered that caring for a sick baby while you yourself are sick can be almost more than one can bear. Sammy and I have been battling a rather nasty flu that gave him croup and kept me up all night vomiting and you don't even want to know what all else. Having Sammy screaming and crying over the monitor in the middle of the night while I was clutching the toilet throwing up is not an experience I care to repeat.

The good news is that Johnny didn't want to eat any of his candy. Awww ... poor kid. I'm sure when his tummy feels better he'll want to eat a bunch of it. Not the ideal Halloween, but we made the best of it.


Blogger Pamela Goodwin-Daniels said...

I don't want to scare you or "Top your story", but I had three kids, one just weeks old, one eight, one 21 months old.'
After I had the baby, (who is now 32), it was discovered that I had something ODD about my cervix, the doctor had me go the next week and have a pap smear, I was still discharging from her birth!! The OB Gyn, said my pap smear was cloudy, and to come back when I stopped bleeding. I went back when the baby was 4 weeks old, and he said I had cervical cancer, 1st stage.
I had cyrosurgery, and went home two hours later, by taxi. I was in mega pain, my husband had left our three kids with the neighbor, and was gone. I was so ashamed I couldn't tell anybody!! I cared for them, crying while I was so sick I couldn't eat, or do anything. My husband stayed gone a week!! When he came home, he said he thought that I would call my sister to come and stay with me, and that I WAS STUPID, FOR NOT CALLING ANYONE. I stayed sick for over two months, but did all my own house work, took care of my three kids, alone, and ended up leaving my husband, AFTER 32 years of that kind of treatment.
Now, I'm thinking of writing a book about my life, 'cause now I have cancer. Do you think I should even though I am born again, and have forgiven him? Pam

10:19 PM  
Blogger The Walmer Family said...

Poor baby! I am SO sorry for you! After my horrible week last week, I am SO scared B will get a relapse of his double ear infections! Hope you are feeling better! RACHEL

9:19 PM  

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