Sunday, October 16, 2005

Chillin' at Home

We actually had cool weather this week

Johnny in his elf hat

That caterpillar is bigger than Sammy!

Sammy trying to nurse on a star

Johnny loves dressing up

Sammy getting some Boppy tummy time

Johnny and Sammy enjoyed their first movie in the theater this week. We saw the latest Wallace and Gromit claymation film called "The Curse of the Were-Rabbit." Sammy slept through part of it but got a little fussy by the end. Johnny seemed to enjoy it quite a bit, but had to use the bathroom three times during the movie, so I wasn't able to watch it without interruption. That is to be expected though, I thought it was a successful and fun family outing. Keith didn't like the movie and did his best to sleep though the whole thing. Sigh.


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