Friday, February 15, 2008

Trying Out My Even Newer Lens!

The bad news is Johnny is pitifully sick and has been absolutely miserable for nearly a week. He started running a fever on Sunday late morning and his temperature has been between 103 and over 104 every day since then (that's six days). His fever comes down for a while after I give him Ibuprofen, but goes right back up again. I've taken him to the doctor twice this week and have called in several times just to be sure this isn't something worse than the flu (he tested positive for the flu virus on Tuesday). Johnny woke up with dried blood crusted all around his lips yesterday morning (not from chapped lips, the blood wiped right off and his lips are not dry). I thought this warranted a second trip to the doctor, but his lungs sounded fine. This morning he woke up with big puffy eyes (they started swelling yesterday afternoon). So I called the doctor again and found out this is a normal reaction to having a high fever for so long. The doctor's expert advice is to wait it out unless I hear him laboring to breathe or any other lung related symptoms. His lungs are fine ... he's just a total wreck from the flu. Johnny told me this is the worst he's ever felt in his entire life. I believe him. Poor honey. So far, no one else has gotten sick. I had a fever for two days around the weekend, but wasn't laid out. I've been sick for so long with a respiratory thing that I figured it was from that. God willing, none of the rest of us will get laid out like Johnny has. We're doing all we can and praying for his health to return.

Leaves in our treesOur weeds have never looked so beautiful!
On a happier note, my wonderfully gifted at "gift-giving" husband got me a new telephoto lens for Valentine's Day, so now I'm set up with a full compliment of photography basics. I really need to take the time to use all this neat stuff, but for today, I just took a handful of photos out back to get a general idea of what this new lens can do.


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