Monday, August 08, 2005

Johnny's 3rd Birthday

Johnny turned three this year and we went all out for his birthday party. With the arrival of a new baby brother who has been getting lots of attention, and a fully decorated new room (done in a nautical theme of course ... for SS Klevenski), I wanted to make this birthday for Johnny extra special and unforgettable. So, we invited about 13 kids and their parents and started the party out at Chuck E. Cheese in the morning. After that, we continued the party at home with a barbeque, opening presents and eating cake and ice cream. I think the party was a huge success, but our plan for the future is to invite a lot fewer guests to cut down on the sheer chaos. Johnny had a great time, although he looked pretty overloaded at times. His big gift from us was his very own Johnny-sized Corvette. I also decorated his room in a race car / sports car theme, although I haven't taken any photos of that yet. I'll plan to include those photos in a later post.


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